Someone is One!

Oh yes! That magic time between being a baby and a toddler. When their personality really starts to peek through. Little V was only 6 months old when I photographed his christening and he was a ball of energy and smiles then too.

I love mommy snuggles

Huggy Huggy!! πŸ™‚

And after this quickie session we did a family session that will make it onto the blog…maybe tomorrow πŸ™‚ Is the suspense killing you Kristen!!! πŸ™‚

Happy Birthday little dude!

One thought on “Someone is One!

  1. Kristin says:

    Yes, it is!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ I was just catching up on fb and saw his pic and was like, OMG, that’s Vin!!! Can’t wait to see the rest.
